May 18

5 Creative (And Proven) Ways to Get New Life Insurance Leads

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Are you looking to get more life insurance leads, but unsure where to start? It can be a tremendous strain trying to find qualified leads for your business.

However, those that actively search for them reap the benefits. After all, fortune benefits the hard-working.

One of the best ways to set yourself up for success is by simply knowing the different avenues to access them. Finding the right leads is half the battle, once you have them, you need only sell them the right product.

Here are several ways to garner the life insurance leads that you've been searching for.

1. Ask for Referrals

Referrals are a tried-and-true way to get highly-qualified leads for whatever industry you're in.

In order to sell someone a life insurance policy, they have to see the value in it. Those that have already purchased it from you realize the importance and probably have friends or relatives that do as well.

Referrals are easy to obtain, but not many salesmen and saleswomen ask for them. 

Simply emphasize the importance to your current clients of setting their friends and relatives up with a trusted life insurance expert such as yourself.

2. Incentivize Them with Sports Tickets

This is a very specific, yet very effective way to gather more life insurance leads for your business. In fact, it can be the perfect one-two punch with the previous point on asking for referrals.

Investing in season tickets with a local sports team can be one of the smartest business decisions you ever make. They give you access to the games whenever you want them and are among the top incentives for prospects.

Those that aren't sports fans think they wouldn't have any value for them. On the contrary!

If you don't want to attend the games, you can hand them out to more prospects and clients to seal up life insurance policies.

More importantly, this adds a fun element to your brand. Life insurance providers are viewed as stereotypically "boring" professionals. By adding these incentives, you're livening your brand and gaining a competitive edge!

3. Purchase Them from a Leads Generator

If you're looking for the highest amount of warm leads possible, there's no substitute for using a leads generator.

They can be one of the best resources for your life insurance book of business. Better yet, they offer both final expense and medicare supplement leads that are gathered by trusted telemarketing professionals.

You'll even know the different specifics on these leads before reaching out to them for the first time. 

For example, you'll know the age range, income levels, and areas that you'd prefer to reach out to.

The life insurance business is all about banking on yourself in order to gain the highest amount of revenue possible. By purchasing cost-friendly final expense leads, you'll be setting yourself up for years of success.

4. Implement SEO in Your Marketing Plan

Many companies make the mistake of thinking that search engine optimization is only for the "exciting" industries. But that couldn't be further from the truth.

There are millions of clients online looking for answers that your life insurance service can provide them with. Your expertise in the industry can save them from making huge mistakes and generate higher sales for your business simultaneously.

Search engine optimization (SEO, for short) is a passive marketing tactic of setting your website up to draw in website users.


By tending to the algorithms of search engines such as Google.

It takes a complicated balance of keyword usage, internal links, high-quality content, external links, and website design to cater to Google's algorithm. But, those that take the time to master this technique will reap significant benefits for years to come.

Once your web page is on the top search results page for Google, it can garner more attention for your brand. Thousands of people will click on your page and comb through your site... doesn't that sound wonderful?

Start a Blog

Starting a blog goes hand in hand with SEO. 

In fact, it's a much easier way for you to generate more keywords and establish yourself as an expert in your industry. Your blog is a place where you can tackle the most frequently asked questions of the life insurance industry and pitch your products at the same time.

Internal links will allow you to subliminally push products on clients through your content. Then all it takes is a call-to-action at the end to contact you for more information!

5. Use LinkedIn to Your Advantage

There's a common connection between savvy business people and those that often purchase life insurance policies.

Businesspeople are the likeliest of investors because they understand the importance of building assets for their families. Because of this, you need to use the social media platform that gets you closest to those business professionals: LinkedIn.

If you have an industry that you're especially good at selling life insurance to, then you can search for it via the LinkedIn search filters. You can also direct message specific clients and post important updates and information to the masses.

Gather More Life Insurance Leads with These Tips!

Now that you've seen several ways to get more life insurance leads for your business, it's time for you to use them to your advantage. You're free to buy your new leads or get in touch with us if you've got any questions and we'll be happy to assist you further!

Buy Leads Today!

Seven different ways to get prospects into your sales pipeline.

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